This week, your job and the routine and tribulations of daily life are getting sad and tiring. Take the time to take care of you and your health.
As Mercury is boosting your creativity, you should spend more time with your children. If you have no kids, work on your creations. And if you have no creations... Just enjoy yourself!
Uranus is in dissonance, and something may bother you. Although you don't seem to control your life, you should relax, because after some time you will find a way to express your new personality.
Friendly, straightforward and loyal, your zodiac sign is a fire sign connected to the Sun, symbol of generosity, strength and will...
Symbol of life and authority, the Sun is connected to our generosity, our personal strength and the way we love...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope from sunday 19 to saturday 25, January 2025