Circumstances of this month will probably concern your ability to deal with your budget and the way you can improve it. You need to take stock of the situation and balance your checkbook. On another note this month of September may also be about your libido that will start taking a lot of space in your psyche. You will see the results around full moon.
following the horoscope of Aquarius first decan...
The lunation of 3 in your seventh solar house will put your relationship on a pedestal. Although you can't get married twice, you can still celebrate it with some champagne! On another note, this month of September may also be about your professional partners or the relationship you have with your associates. Listen carefully to them!
following the horoscope of Aquarius second decan...
The lunation of 3 in your seventh solar house is perfect for your partner who will be in the spotlight. Now it's your turn to be a coach or even better...a supporter! But during this month of September, make sure your partner isn't too overbearing with you. A partnership is all about sharing!
following the horoscope of Aquarius third decan...
Original, friendly and avant-gardist, your zodiac sign is an air sign connected to Uranus, symbol of modernism, rapidity and freedom...
Symbol of originality and rhythm, Uranus is connected to our intuition and what we do for our community...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.