this month's free horoscope of March astrological sign Leo
horoscope Leos, March 2025
first decan Leo

LEO 1st decan
Circumstances of this month of March will probably concern an internship in which you will find a second breath and new hopes. On another note, the new moon of 29 may inspire you a new life conception based on soul renewal.
following the horoscope of Leo first decan...
second decan Leo

LEO 2nd decan
The lunation of 29 in your eighth solar house may either be about a crisis in your relationship, a sexual matter, expected money making or the three at once! But don't worry, you will probably have an answer around full moon.
following the horoscope of Leo second decan...
third decan Leo

LEO 3rd decan
With the new moon of 29 you may go through a financial crisis and you may also have to make up your mind between two crucial options. You need to listen to your heart. On another note, this month of March may also be about your libido and again you will have to listen to your heart and not anything else!
following the horoscope of Leo third decan...
Do you know the zodiac sign of Leo ?
Friendly, straightforward and loyal, your zodiac sign is a fire sign connected to the Sun, symbol of generosity, strength and will...
more about the zodiac sign of Leo
Do you know your planet the Sun ?
Symbol of life and authority, the Sun is connected to our generosity, our personal strength and the way we love...
more about the Sun
Love and Leo
Loyal but a little self-centred love ?
learn about astrological compatibility of Leo
What's my true sign and astrological decan ?
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
find out about your sun sign and decan...