With the lunation of 29 in your fifth solar house, you will focus on your relationship with your partner! You may also think a lot about your kids if you have any. This month of March will also favor your artistic skills and more prosaically hobbies in general (movies, concerts...).
following the horoscope of Sagittarius first decan...
During this month you will be worried about your family and your home. No matter what the solutions are...it's always around full moon. Moreover this month of March may be the end of a cycle for all the people who were born in your decan as long as you know how to let go of the past and move on with your life.
following the horoscope of Sagittarius second decan...
Circumstances of this month will probably allow you to experience again the warm atmosphere of your house and why not to work around it some more? This month of March will also allow you to let go of the past and to start over with a brand new purpose.
following the horoscope of Sagittarius third decan...
Enthusiastic, forward and adventurist, your zodiac sign is a fire sign connected to Jupiter, symbol of expansion, quest and luck...
Symbol of greatness and optimism, Jupiter is connected to our knowledge of the universe and our extroversion...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.