From 29, you will get to use your inner qualities and your skills. If you are an artist, you will surpass yourself thanks to your inspiration and talent! This month of March will also favor a few investments in order to improve your daily lifestyle.
following the horoscope of Pisces first decan...
During this month of March you will need to sometimes step away from people. You have to realize that your feelings are not always perceived the same way on the outside by other people. So you need to put things into perspective and show what you are worth. Take care of your look, stay humble and talk about your skills.
following the horoscope of Pisces second decan...
During this month of March you will get to shine more than usually. Indeed you will get to show what you are worth so that you can prove you are talented. That's why you need to stay healthy. Go jog or something!
following the horoscope of Pisces third decan...
Idealistic, over sensitive and enigmatic, your zodiac sign is a water sign connected to Neptune, symbol of inspiration, invisibility and faith...
Symbol of faith and religion, Neptune is connected to our ideals and our spiritual consciousness ...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.