With the new moon of 29 you may go through a financial crisis and you may also have to make up your mind between two crucial options. You need to listen to your heart. On another note, this month of March may also be about your libido and again you will have to listen to your heart and not anything else!
During this month money or sex (or both) may become an obsession. Learn to put things into perspective without feeling guilty of anything and if possible, talk about it with someone you trust. Because if you don't say anything and keep it secret it's like conversing with a shadow. Free yourself by facing your own problems.
You would like to have a brief affair with someone but will you handle the consequences of it in the future?
Mercury will make you think but your ideas are very dark and you have many obsessions. You should talk about your problems to one of your close friends.
You will have many projects at work but you need to sort them out in order to promote them. You need to organize your schedule better.
Uranus in dissonance will question your personality: if lately you had not felt like evolving (by weakness or fear), it might feel like a big change for you!
Friendly, straightforward and loyal, your zodiac sign is a fire sign connected to the Sun, symbol of generosity, strength and will...
Symbol of life and authority, the Sun is connected to our generosity, our personal strength and the way we love...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope From March the 1st to March the 31, 2025