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Horoscope of the week : zodiac sign Sagittarius

this week of sunday 9 February 2025

weekly horoscope for Sagittarians

Sagittarius first decan

A week becoming very prolific for you if you put your mind to get some more contacts in your life, to call the right people on the phone... You need to interact.
Mercury will make you communicate; you will often see your neighbors and one of your brothers (or sisters) will come visit you. The communication with teenagers will be good as well.
It is hard for you to express yourself. Avoid conflicts and arguments... You may get all confused! You should rather try to be receptive without giving your personal opinion. following the horoscope of Sagittarius first decan ...

Sagittarius second decan

Relationships with your neighborhood as well as your brothers and sisters are very important this week. Express yourself but let other people express themselves too!
Besides Mercury seems to drive you to communicate and that's why you will network and go meet people in order to make things change.
As Saturn is in dissonance, you may try to resist by being temperamental, hedonist and making lots of demands. Yet, you need to be rigorous and well-behaved. following the horoscope of Sagittarius second decan ...

Sagittarius third decan

It is time for you to clean out your closet, to get some more money and to make an assessment of your acquisitions.
You are quite optimistic and your friends enjoy it. You are ready for new plans and you are right because it is time for a renewal.
Intellectually speaking Mercury makes you communicate: you will have several dates; you will meet people and will make things change. following the horoscope of Sagittarius third decan...

Sagittarius : do you know your zodiac sign ?

Enthusiastic, forward and adventurist, your zodiac sign is a fire sign connected to Jupiter, symbol of expansion, quest and luck... more about the zodiac sign of Sagittarius

Do you know your planet Jupiter ?

Symbol of greatness and optimism, Jupiter is connected to our knowledge of the universe and our extroversion... more about the planet Jupiter

Sagittarius and love

Courtly or supernatural love ? more about astro compatibility of Sagittarius

What's my true sign and astrological decan ?

Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac. Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates. find out about your sun sign and decan...
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