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birth chart Natal Report
Your personality based on the analysis of your natal chart.
theme karmique Karmic Report
The Natal Report completed with the analysis of your karmic indexes (Lunar nodes, Dark Moon, retrograde planets and part of fortune).
Synastry Synastry
The comparative analysis of both charts in your relationship.
transits Forecasts Transits
Your astrology forecasts dated from the analysis of your planetary transits.
solar return Solar return
Your annual astrology forecasts from the analysis of birthday and natal charts.

Astrology My sun sign and decan

My Sun sign and decan calculator

Sun sign and decan calculation

Your Sun sign and decan:
365,25 days and 360 zodiac degrees per year: calendar dates never exactly match with Sun course. In order to get a very precise calculation of your sun sign and decan, please fill out the form with your date and time of birth and click continue...
astrology free decan and sun sign online calculation

How to get my solar sign and decan ?

You have an astrological sign at birth by the position of the Sun in the zodiac (angular distance between the center of the sun and the gamma point, degree 0 of the zodiac). Dates found in forecasts horoscopes are rough because Sun's position only depends on seasons and not on the civil calendar. That's why, every year, the dates of the signs change by a quarter of a day. Same thing for decans that give details about the position of the Sun in the sign every 10 degrees. In order for you to know precisely about your sign and your decan, especially if you were born at the beginning or the end of a sign (around the 21st of each month), you need to calculate your precise Sun sign position. That's the only way to have true details about your sign and decan. Decan's information is also printed on any birth chart, following the degree of the Sun (sun): from 0 to 9°59 for the first decan, from 10° to 19°59 for the second decan and from 20° to 29°59 for the third. Click here to calculate your sun sign and decan.

I want to know everything about my natal chart

Get your free birth report including the birth chart and the precise calculation of all planets in signs and houses it's totally free, click here to get your birth chart online...

I want to know everything about my birth chart !

Discover the basics of astrology with the chart wheel and your free birth chart. You can increase your knowledge about your birth chart with a detailed and complete astrological report.
To find out about your current planetary cycles, the personalized forecasts will give you all the details about your astrolgy forecast with the domains that are activated during the planetary transits and solar return.
To discover the multiple aspects of your relationship, the synastry report will give you a detailed list of interactions between birth charts and bring out the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship.
Remember that a consultation with an experienced astrologer will give you an astrological synthesis that no computer can do !
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