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Horoscope of the week : zodiac sign Cancer

this week of sunday 23 March 2025

weekly horoscope for Cancerians

Cancer first decan

You get to climb the rungs of the social or professional ladder and reach your goals this week. Push yourself forward and show what you can do!
You have a mental block as far as relationships are concerned, and keeping complaining won't make it any better. Stay kind, be patient and in a few days you will feel better.
Venus will stay away from your sign and it is not the right time to ask for hugs or presents from your partner. Try to unwind for a few days. following the horoscope of Cancer first decan ...

Cancer second decan

This week you will open up your mind and it will help you find another way to grow like a spiritual encounter or a trip to a foreign country.
Thanks to Mercury, you are in spirit of adventure: you need to escape, to have a break and to travel. Share your thoughts with your family circle and see if they are interested in traveling with you.
following the horoscope of Cancer second decan ...

Cancer third decan

This week you will take risks. After questioning yourself, it's time now you set a target and believed in it!
Mercury will make you want to travel. You may also have some news from abroad or receive a letter from a brother or a friend from afar.
Mars is in dissonance, and you have a great feeling for your sexual needs but you express them in an overbearing way. Try not to show that you are in need and don't force your partner. following the horoscope of Cancer third decan...

Cancer : do you know your zodiac sign ?

Sensitive, emotional and sometimes shy, your zodiac sign is a water sign connected to the Moon, symbol of imagination, sensibility and emotion... more about the zodiac sign of Cancer

Do you know your planet the Moon ?

Symbol of sensibility and nostalgia, the Moon is connected to our youth, our past and our family... more about the Moon

Cancer and love

Sweet and intimist love ? more about astro compatibility of Cancer

What's my true sign and astrological decan ?

Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac. Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates. find out about your sun sign and decan...
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