this month's free horoscope of March astrological sign Libra
horoscope Librans, March 2025
first decan Libra

LIBRA 1st decan
The lunation of 29 in your seventh solar house is perfect for your partner who will be in the spotlight. Now it's your turn to be a coach or even better...a supporter! But during this month of March, make sure your partner isn't too overbearing with you. A partnership is all about sharing!
following the horoscope of Libra first decan...
second decan Libra

LIBRA 2nd decan
The lunation of 29 in your sixth solar house is perfect to start an activity or to improve a work that you already started. You will see the results around full moon. During this month of March you may be concerned about your health. Make sure you don't overwork and that you relax more often.
following the horoscope of Libra second decan...
third decan Libra

LIBRA 3rd decan
With the lunation of 29 in your sixth solar house, you should be the best at work! You are full of motivation, performance and seriousness. But during this month of March be careful not to work too hard because the consequences on your health could be dangerous.
following the horoscope of Libra third decan...
Do you know the zodiac sign of Libra ?
Refined, sensitive and spiritual, your zodiac sign is an air sign connected to Venus, symbol of harmony, bond and pleasure...
more about the zodiac sign of Libra
Do you know your planet Venus ?
Symbol of love and harmony, Venus is connected to our values, our tastes and the way we use our money....
more about the planet Venus
Love and Libra
Esthete or seductive love ?
learn about astrological compatibility of Libra
What's my true sign and astrological decan ?
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
find out about your sun sign and decan...