With the lunation of 29 in your ninth solar house, this month you will focus on your studies or maybe an internship far away from home. Enjoy yourself! On another note, this month of January will be about communication, especially if you work in the trade or publishing fields.
following the horoscope of Gemini first decan...
With the new moon of 29 you may go through a financial crisis and you may also have to make up your mind between two crucial options. You need to listen to your heart. On another note, this month of January may also be about your libido and again you will have to listen to your heart and not anything else!
following the horoscope of Gemini second decan...
With the lunation of 29 in your eighth solar house, it will be all about money and you will make...or lose some! Consequently at the beginning of the month of January make sure you update your accounts and pay your bills!
following the horoscope of Gemini third decan...
Curious, observant and happy, your zodiac sign is an air sign connected to Mercury, symbol of intelligence, traveling and communication...
Symbol on intelligence and thought, Mercury is connected to communication but also to business and interactions...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.