It is time for you to bring out your abilities, to talk about yourself, to show that your personality can assert itself, to push yourself forward... when you put your mind to it!
Besides, Venus is in harmony with your sign and will increase your magnetism. If you are single, this week could be the beginning of a new love story.
Besides, Mercury gives you self-confidence and makes you a very good speaker, lawyer or... street vendor! That's good for business trade!
It's the right time for you to start doing what you planned to do. Your ease to communicate will open many doors soon. Go for it!
Saturn in harmony will make you go back to school, the life school which consists of accepting advices from elders and following the rules and the law... And you like it.
Careful, patient and persevering, your zodiac sign is an earth sign connected to Saturn, symbol of focus, rigor and ambition...
Symbol of responsibility and demands, Saturn is connected to our wisdom and our humbleness...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope from sunday 19 to saturday 25, January 2025