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Free monthly horoscope of January Virgo

monthly horoscope of January 2025
third decan of Virgo

Natives of third decan of Virgo :
your horoscope From January the 1st to January the 31, 2025
Virgo ARIANS 3rd decan born 10 march to 21 april approximately
VIRGO 3rd decan
With the lunation of 29 in your fifth solar house you will focus on your creativity. If you're an artist you will become a star! It may also be all about your kids and during the month of January you will think about them a lot. You may also focus on your love life if you are single.
This month you may find some inspiration and joy besides your children or the person you love. Is it anything more beautiful than love? However make sure you also treat yourself! If you're an artist it's a good month to let your inspiration guide you in your creativity.
If you want more romanticism in your life, you might need to slow down at work because you spend way too much time working...
Mercury is trying to keep you at home, that's why you can study again and finally take care of some things with your family.
You will have many projects at work but you need to sort them out in order to promote them. You need to organize your schedule better.
Neptune will make you more poetical and spiritual, you are in symbiosis with the Universe but you are unrealistic and disillusioned.
Uranus will positively open up yourself to new things, you keep an open mind and accept to question yourself when it's necessary.
With the South Node in your sign, you may be affected again by a psychological weakness (if other transits confirm it) and so will be your energy. You will have to take care of your health.

You may have misunderstandings when it comes to communicating with your family and friends, especially during the week of 5 when Mercury is in dissonance. Make sure you stay receptive to your family and your co-workers.
Mars in harmony with your decan in the week of 12 will help you channel your aggressiveness in order to work faster and better.
Good aspects of the Sun show that your confidence in life is coming back this month and you are very healthy. Your friends and children will support you and your projects. During the week of 12, make sure you show your skills.
With Venus in opposition to the Sun in the week of 26, you might be frustrated or jealous. You need to let your partner know about that with no drama!
During the week of 26 Mercury is in harmonic aspect and will help you adjust to circumstances and act pretty fast, which is good for business and when you have to travel.

Virgo, do you know your zodiac sign ?

Logical, rational and critical, your zodiac sign is an earth sign connected to Mercury, symbol of intelligence, traveling and communication... more about the zodiac sign of Virgo

Do you know your planet Mercury ?

Symbol of mentalism and thought, Mercury is connected to communication but also to business and interactions... more about the planet Mercury

Virgo and love

Wise or crazy love ? more about Virgo with love and relationship

What's my true sign and astrological decan ?

Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac. Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates. find out about your sun sign and decan...

I want more astrological forecasts !

In order for you to know your current planetary cycles, get your personalized forecasts that list the dates of your personal astrology transits, calculated from your birth chart. more about personalized horoscopes and transit reports...
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