The lunation of 29 in your sixth solar house is perfect to start an activity or to improve a work that you already started. You will see the results around full moon. During this month of March you may be concerned about your health. Make sure you don't overwork and that you relax more often.
This month you will get to spend more time with your children (if you have children) or creating. You will feel powerful, even in your personal life! Open your heart to the loved one and make sure you please your partner with flowers, earings or DVDs and shirts for men...that will always make them smile!
Your emotional life will be stable and the atmosphere at work will be pretty enjoyable. People will smile at you. Who would complain about it?
Mercury will be in your sixth solar house during this period and you will have strong communication skills, especially at work.
Mars is in your ninth solar house and you will get to let go a little, especially thanks to an internship.
Pluto is in dissonance and you may lose your confidence. Learn to let go of things by being more humble, even though it's painful.
Charming, magnetic and entrancing, your zodiac sign is a water sign connected to Pluto, symbol of passion, rebirth and mystery...
Symbol of magics and transformation, Pluto is connected to our inner strength and our ability to overcome any difficulties...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope From March the 1st to March the 31, 2025