The lunation of 29 in your third solar house will focus on communication and making contacts, and you may see the consequences of it during full moon. On another note, this month of January will favor good relationships and communication with your brothers, sisters and neighbors.
Since the lunation of 29 is in harmony with your birth sun, it shows your brilliant personality and your great creations. But make sure you stay humble...
It's time to take care of your business and to make more money (or even to make sure you already have enough money). You may have to invest if you can do it. More prosaically, you just want to enjoy yourself, so go for it!
You may just enjoy staying at home with your family. Maybe for dinner or to celebrate something with them?
Since Mercury is in your second solar house, it's the right time to sign contracts, bargain and negotiate. It's only beneficial to you!
Mars is in your eighth solar house and you can save some money by having a better organization of your budget. You are on top of your game as far as your sexual drive.
Pluto is in harmony and you feel reassured by this surprising inner strength. You need to leave the past behind and to be confident about your future.
With Venus in dissonance with your decan in the week of 5, you tend to believe people don't like you or not like they used to. Be more receptive and things will get better.
You are very optimistic and people around you like that, especially kids. You feel like you can face this week of 26 easily and it will favor new projects.
During the week of 26 Mercury is in harmonic aspect and will help you adjust to circumstances and act pretty fast, which is good for business and when you have to travel.
Enthusiastic, forward and adventurist, your zodiac sign is a fire sign connected to Jupiter, symbol of expansion, quest and luck...
Symbol of greatness and optimism, Jupiter is connected to our knowledge of the universe and our extroversion...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope From January the 1st to January the 31, 2025