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Free monthly horoscope of March Pisces

monthly horoscope of March 2025
third decan of Pisces

Natives of third decan of Pisces :
your horoscope From March the 1st to March the 31, 2025
Pisces ARIANS 3rd decan born 10 march to 21 april approximately
PISCES 3rd decan
During this month of March you will get to shine more than usually. Indeed you will get to show what you are worth so that you can prove you are talented. That's why you need to stay healthy. Go jog or something!
You may shine more than usually and people seem to be attracted to your natural aura. They think you are nice, open-minded and available. Make sure you show what you can do, especially as far as your creativity. But you need to stay humble and receptive though.
Venus is on your side and you can use (and not abuse) your charm and magnetism. Noone doubts the fact that you will reach your goals.
Mercury is giving you a lot of confidence, communication with others is made easy because people are receptive to what you say. However make sure you find a balance!
You spend more time at work than at home. If you keep doing that, your partner is going to be very angry with you.
The North Node in your sign will make you want to fly on your own on the path you have chosen and to climb the social ladder.
Neptune is in conjunction to your Sun and you will daydream, make mistakes and get disillusioned. Weight the pros and cons and ask for advice...
During this period you may travel (if your finances allow you) or move to another region. Accept those new things with Uranus because it will help you grow.
There's a transit of Saturn across your Sun, and you will have to be serious and disciplined in the weeks to come. Now is the best time to save some money.

There is a transit of Mercury across your sun in the week of 2 and you will easily solve your problems. Your professional contacts are very helpful and you can adjust to any situations.
It's your birthday. It's that time of the year you are under the spotlights and people are all around you! Don't make a fuss about it and just appreciate it...
Good aspects of Mars in your Sun in the week of 30 will give you much energy and physical performances won't scare you. If you practice a sport, you can set another personal record!

Pisces, do you know your zodiac sign ?

Idealistic, over sensitive and enigmatic, your zodiac sign is a water sign connected to Neptune, symbol of inspiration, invisibility and faith... more about the zodiac sign of Pisces

Do you know your planet Neptune ?

Symbol of faith and religion, Neptune is connected to our ideals and our spiritual consciousness ... more about the planet Neptune

Pisces and love

Mystical or platonic love ? more about Pisces with love and relationship

What's my true sign and astrological decan ?

Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac. Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates. find out about your sun sign and decan...

I want more astrological forecasts !

In order for you to know your current planetary cycles, get your personalized forecasts that list the dates of your personal astrology transits, calculated from your birth chart. more about personalized horoscopes and transit reports...
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