With the lunation of 29 in your tenth solar house, this month you will focus on your goals and how to reach them. You will know about it around full moon. During this month of March it might also be about a promotion at work.
With this lunation of 29 in dissonance with your sun, you will have to face a few changes both at work and at home. You need to adjust.
During this period of the year you will start an internship or will go back studying. You will get great benefits from it if you are receptive and sincere. You may be very good when it comes to philosophy, law, religions...
You feel like going from the family routine to the success of your common goals. But first of all...do you both agree on that?
Mercury will give you some control, you will manage to impose your ideas at work and communicate any informations.
Mars will give you a lot of energy during this month, you will fight a lot at work in order to reach your goals.
You may have misunderstandings when it comes to communicating with your family and friends, especially during the week of 2 when Mercury is in dissonance. Make sure you stay receptive to your family and your co-workers.
With Venus in dissonance with your sign in the week of 16 it's not the right time to ask your partner for hugs (or gifts). Give your partner some space for the next couple of days.
In the week of 23, the Sun is in dissonance with your decan and everything will irritate you. You doubt yourself, your abilities and other's and that makes things worse at home and at work. Go outside and let go, it will be very helpful.
Sensitive, emotional and sometimes shy, your zodiac sign is a water sign connected to the Moon, symbol of imagination, sensibility and emotion...
Symbol of sensibility and nostalgia, the Moon is connected to our youth, our past and our family...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope From March the 1st to March the 31, 2025