With the lunation of 28 in your eleventh solar house, this month you will focus on the media and what they bring to your life. Ask a friend for some piece of advice. This month of February will also favor a friends's reunion and the beginning of a partnership. You will know for sure around full moon.
This period will favor team spirit. Whether you practice a sport or not, people appreciate your enthusiasm. You need to let people lead the way and keep the seat you have chosen in this life.
Even thought you are in a relationship...you isolate yourself. Why don't you tell your partner about what's bothering you?
Mercury will help you communicate: you should spend more time with your friends and be receptive to them because projects are meant to be shared.
When you are more available...everything is possible at work. As long as you don't lose yourself...it's positive!
During the week of 9 Mercury is in harmonic aspect and will help you adjust to circumstances and act pretty fast, which is good for business and when you have to travel.
Good aspects of the Sun show that your confidence in life is coming back this month and you are very healthy. Your friends and children will support you and your projects. During the week of 9, make sure you show your skills.
Energetic, intrepid, honest and straightforward, your zodiac sign is a fire sign connected to Mars, symbol of strength, energy and bravour...
Symbol of strength and action, Mars is connected to our energy, our courage but also to our aggressiveness...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope From February the 1st to February the 29, 2025