With the lunation of 29 in your twelfth solar house you won't be as sociable as you used to be. You need to take stock of your situation and your life. On another note, during this month of March you will be extremely depressed. You need to find a way to cheer up or maybe spend a couple of days in a thalassotherapy center.
This month you may be depressed and melancholy but you may also deny the truth in order to stop facing the outside world. Don't forget to get out a little by planning a week end at the countryside. The purpose of it is to get away from your daily life.
You will appreciate the comfort of your house, your fireplace and a blanket. If you want to be happy...keep your business to yourself.
Since Mercury is in your twelfth solar house, you will need to step back from your contacts and your projects. Spiritual books may help you...
You can easily multitask at work! It gives you much energy, but do you really think you are efficient?
Mars is in dissonance in the week of 30 and you may fight with people if they push your buttons. Practice a sport in order to unwind.
Energetic, intrepid, honest and straightforward, your zodiac sign is a fire sign connected to Mars, symbol of strength, energy and bravour...
Symbol of strength and action, Mars is connected to our energy, our courage but also to our aggressiveness...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope From March the 1st to March the 31, 2025