It's time to make some plans with your friends. A party, an excursion, a team competition...everything will be good for you! During this month of January it may also be about new projects starting to arise. You will know for sure around full moon.
This lunation of 29 is taking place in harmony with your birth sun and it's the perfect time to make things work your way.
You will get to climb the social ladder and probably reach your goals. If you are good, you can actually show the world what you can do. It's good to have projects but it's even better to do everything we can to realize them. The sky's the limit!
With Venus in your twelfth house, you tend to keep your feelings for yourself, probably to make sure they are real.
Mercury is in your tenth solar house and what you were trying for so long will finally work out! A contract may be signed if transits confirm it.
You are confident at work and the atmosphere is pleasant. Don't change it by becoming angry because it's certainly not the right time.
There's a transit of your North Node across your Sun and you may finally be aware of your true personality. Follow that little inner voice that will help you follow the right path.
Pluto is with you and you are full of strength and faith. You can affirm your creativity with more boldness.
Be careful because in the week of 5, Mercury is in dissonance, you won't feel like communicating and you won't reach your personal goals. If you work in the trade field, make sure you don't spend too much money.
Good aspects of the Sun show that during the week of 26, you are very healthy and confident! Make sure you show your skills and your creativity.
During the week of 26, thanks to good aspects of Mercury, your business will work well and results will be excellent. You know how to easily convince people because your arguments are logical.
Energetic, intrepid, honest and straightforward, your zodiac sign is a fire sign connected to Mars, symbol of strength, energy and bravour...
Symbol of strength and action, Mars is connected to our energy, our courage but also to our aggressiveness...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope From January the 1st to January the 31, 2025