The lunation of 29 in your third solar house will focus on communication and making contacts, and you may see the consequences of it during full moon. On another note, this month of March will favor good relationships and communication with your brothers, sisters and neighbors.
It's time now to reap what you have sown thanks to a lunation that will favor creativity. You are thankful for all the compliments but you know how to keep your feet on the ground and remain lucid...
It's the perfect time to buy (and as long as the economy is good) and to make your money work for yourself. On another note you may have to use your skills in an artistic way except the ones in the kitchen since you are...on a diet.
You need to talk things out in order to clarify things. Express yourself without forgetting anything.
Since Mercury is in your third solar house, it's the right time to make new contacts and meet new people!
You will be very busy at work. People appreciate your skills and your availability, but don't you think you are doing a little too much?
Pluto is in dissonance and you feel like there's always a Sword of Damocles above your head, meanwhile it will help you know a little bit more the darkest areas of your subconscious.
During the week of 2, thanks to good aspects of Mercury, your business will work well and results will be excellent. You know how to easily convince people because your arguments are logical.
Good aspects of Venus in the week of 16 show that it's the right time for you to ask for attention and hugs from your partner. You may receive a gift and make more money as well.
Good aspects of the Sun show that your confidence in life is coming back this month and you are very healthy. Your friends and children will support you and your projects. During the week of 23, make sure you show your skills.
Original, friendly and avant-gardist, your zodiac sign is an air sign connected to Uranus, symbol of modernism, rapidity and freedom...
Symbol of originality and rhythm, Uranus is connected to our intuition and what we do for our community...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope From March the 1st to March the 31, 2025