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Horoscope of the week : zodiac sign Capricorn

this week of sunday 6 October 2024

weekly horoscope for Capricorns

Capricorn first decan

You get to climb the rungs of the social or professional ladder and reach your goals this week. Push yourself forward and show what you can do!
Professionally speaking it is the right time for you to bring a project to a successful conclusion and to get things done.
The lunar nodes in dissonance with your sign may disrupt some of your projects. Try to find out if all is well in your activities and in your relationships with people. following the horoscope of Capricorn first decan ...

Capricorn second decan

Everything is possible this week. If lately you have remained serious and focused, people will compliment you. Otherwise, you will have to think twice and... get back on your feet again!
You are feeling irritated because of your job and your family. You should do sport and dance over your favorite song... you will realize how good it feels!
As Venus is in harmony with your sign, it is the right time to make a declaration of love, a present or a dinner together. following the horoscope of Capricorn second decan ...

Capricorn third decan

This week you will open up your mind and it will help you find another way to grow like a spiritual encounter or a trip to a foreign country.
As Venus is in harmony with your sign, it is the right time to make a declaration of love, a present or a dinner together.
Mercury will encourage you to enlarge your horizons and you may devote this time to an instruction in a particular subject, to classes or to a work placement. following the horoscope of Capricorn third decan...

Capricorn : do you know your zodiac sign ?

Careful, patient and persevering, your zodiac sign is an earth sign connected to Saturn, symbol of focus, rigor and ambition... more about the zodiac sign of Capricorn

Do you know your planet Saturn ?

Symbol of responsibility and demands, Saturn is connected to our wisdom and our humbleness... more about the planet Saturn

Capricorn and love

Loyal but a bit distant love ? more about astro compatibility of Capricorn

What's my true sign and astrological decan ?

Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac. Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates. find out about your sun sign and decan...
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