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Free monthly horoscope of December Sagittarius

monthly horoscope of December 2024
second decan of Sagittarius

Natives of second decan of Sagittarius :
your horoscope From December the 1st to December the 31, 2024
Sagittarius ARIANS 2nd decan born 31 march to 10 april approximately
In December you will be more attractive, that's why you should renew your wardrobe or even change completely the way you look in order to be more eye-catching. Moreover it's a good time to assert yourself while staying humble of course...
It's the right time to get back on your feet by being more positive and by establishing a new strategy through which you will express your inner qualities. It's daring but by getting out of your silence and challenging yourself you will show you can do it and that you are living your life the way you should!
You may get some presents or kisses from your family and your partner. People open up their hearts to you.
Mercury will make you think. You may study alone and meditate a lot during this period. You need silence to think...
You give your best at work in order to make as much money as possible. On another note your libido may also be preoccupying...
Saturn in dissonance will help you set the record straight in order for you to let go of your illusions.
Jupiter is in dissonance and you will have to spend a lot of money (unexpected bills, very expensive credits) when you didn't really get to make it back...

During the week of 1 there is a transit of Mercury across your sun, your business is working fine and you will have much success. You will manage to convince with very pragmatic arguments.
It's your birthday and it's a new year, you can now do what you want to do. Let go of your past and make sure you can get back on your feet.
During the week of 15 Venus is in harmony with your decan; you will make more money and you are often in a good mood. You will get along better with your partner. Now you have to add some sense of humor to this relationship!

Sagittarius, do you know your zodiac sign ?

Enthusiastic, forward and adventurist, your zodiac sign is a fire sign connected to Jupiter, symbol of expansion, quest and luck... more about the zodiac sign of Sagittarius

Do you know your planet Jupiter ?

Symbol of greatness and optimism, Jupiter is connected to our knowledge of the universe and our extroversion... more about the planet Jupiter

Sagittarius and love

Courtly or supernatural love ? more about Sagittarius with love and relationship

What's my true sign and astrological decan ?

Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac. Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates. find out about your sun sign and decan...

I want more astrological forecasts !

In order for you to know your current planetary cycles, get your personalized forecasts that list the dates of your personal astrology transits, calculated from your birth chart. more about personalized horoscopes and transit reports...
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