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Free monthly horoscope of December Pisces

monthly horoscope of December 2024
first decan of Pisces

Natives of first decan of Pisces :
your horoscope From December the 1st to December the 31, 2024
Pisces ARIANS 1st decan born 21 to 31 march approximately
PISCES 1st decan
With the lunation of 30 in your eleventh solar house, this month you will focus on the media and what they bring to your life. Ask a friend for some piece of advice. This month of December will also favor a friends's reunion and the beginning of a partnership. You will know for sure around full moon.
Since the lunation of 30 is in harmony with your sun, you will get to climb the social ladder. You need to impose your opinions!
During this month you will get to climb the social ladder and to reach your goals. You need to show off yourself to advantage. If you don't believe in yourself, maybe you need to get some help from a life coach or a therapist in order to cheer you up.
With Venus in your twelfth house, you tend to keep your feelings for yourself, probably to make sure they are real.
It's a very interesting period at work. You will manage to sign a contract or to finish a project you were working on for a long time.
You have worked too much lately. Make sure you don't sacrifice your private life and take a break.

It's hard for you to express yourself because of Mercury in dissonance in the week of 15. That's why you shouldn't argue because you would get confused and misunderstandings could emerge.
Good aspects of the Sun show that during the week of 22, you are very healthy and confident! Make sure you show your skills and your creativity.

Pisces, do you know your zodiac sign ?

Idealistic, over sensitive and enigmatic, your zodiac sign is a water sign connected to Neptune, symbol of inspiration, invisibility and faith... more about the zodiac sign of Pisces

Do you know your planet Neptune ?

Symbol of faith and religion, Neptune is connected to our ideals and our spiritual consciousness ... more about the planet Neptune

Pisces and love

Mystical or platonic love ? more about Pisces with love and relationship

What's my true sign and astrological decan ?

Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac. Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates. find out about your sun sign and decan...

I want more astrological forecasts !

In order for you to know your current planetary cycles, get your personalized forecasts that list the dates of your personal astrology transits, calculated from your birth chart. more about personalized horoscopes and transit reports...
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