The lunation of 29 in your eighth solar house may either be about a crisis in your relationship, a sexual matter, expected money making or the three at once! But don't worry, you will probably have an answer around full moon.
Lights are in harmony with your birth sun and you can be under the spotlight! Make sure you make new important contacts...
During this month you may change a lot in order to challenge yourself and get out of this crisis. Of course you have to question yourself in order to make it happen. Did you doubt it? On another note you have a strong instinct concerning good investments.
With Venus in your eighth solar house, you will enjoy negotiating and making some business. It may be very productive for your finances.
Mercury will make you introspective and you may go from a little worried to anxious in a few seconds. You should balance your checkbook because it's much more productive.
Mars is in your twelfth solar house and you will have to slow down before you get discouraged. When you get off need to relax.
Jupiter is in harmony and life is beautiful, you party a lot and meet people who will help you in your projects.
Friendly, straightforward and loyal, your zodiac sign is a fire sign connected to the Sun, symbol of generosity, strength and will...
Symbol of life and authority, the Sun is connected to our generosity, our personal strength and the way we love...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope From March the 1st to March the 31, 2025