The lunation of 29 in your third solar house will help you have a better management of your schedule and also contacts as far as making business. Wait for the results during full moon! On another note this month of March will favor relationships with brothers, sisters and neighbors.
This month communication is your main focus and you will travel more than usually. You write, use your phone and send emails very frequently but it's all good. You will hang out with people and you may also become more intimate with one of them.
You need to communicate, especially with your partner. Your conversations will be more frequent and definitely hotter.
Since Mercury is in your third solar house, it's the right time to travel in order to talk to people.
Mars is in your sixth solar house and you may have a few health issues (inflammatory). But first and foremost make sure you relax a little.
With Neptune in dissonance you may not follow the right path. Make sure you stay careful and keep your feet on the ground.
Uranus will positively open up yourself to new things and will help you accept others, friends, groups and co-workers. They will give back to you by inviting you more often.
Saturn in harmony will make you go back to school: the school of life that will help you accept the lessons taught by the elders and respect the law. But you're fine with it.
Good aspects of Mercury in the week of 2 will favor some help for your projects. Your communication skills will help you climb the social ladder! Go for it!
You are on the roll and very healthy. That's why you can show your skills and make sure you impose your opinion to your family and co-workers during the week of 16.
Mars is in opposition to your Sun in the week of 30 and you will go through a rough patch. Your partner and co-workers will criticize you a lot.
Careful, patient and persevering, your zodiac sign is an earth sign connected to Saturn, symbol of focus, rigor and ambition...
Symbol of responsibility and demands, Saturn is connected to our wisdom and our humbleness...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope From March the 1st to March the 31, 2025