Librans and Cancerians
The sentimental nature of Cancerians does not always match Librans who want some complementarity but also need people to love them. With this sign, Cancerians do not always fulfil their dreams.
Those astrological specificities are only relevant in less than 5% of the cases !
Indeed, these indications only apply to the Sun and not to any other planets.
Actually, in order to really appreciate the love compatibility, astrology takes into account all the planets of the chart as well as the Moon, Venus and Mars.
Moreover, angles (or aspects) of the planets are important and give dynamics to the connection, more than if it was only about solar signs.
If your solar sign don't seem to be compatible, your Venuses may be in the same sign and then, the love relationship will be very strong but the sign specificities will be irrelevant !
To sum up, in order to be reliable,
a compatibility report must focus on both birth charts, with the ascendants, all the planets and their aspects.
We are talking about millions of different combinations and not only the 78 combinations limited to only solar signs.
more about synastry or charts comparison...
Sign of Libra
Refined, sensitive and spiritual, your zodiac sign is an air sign connected to Venus, symbol of harmony, bond and pleasure...
more about Libra
Sign of Cancer
Sensitive, emotional and sometimes shy, your zodiac sign is a water sign connected to the Moon, symbol of imagination, sensibility and emotion...
more about Cancer
Do I have love significators in Libra or in Cancer ?
You will find out in your natal
chart wheel by taking your
free birth chart.
calculation of the birth chart and planets in signs...
Astro-compatibility Libra / Cancer
Discover the secrets of the astrological synastry that focuses on love relationships.
Beyond the zodiac specificities, the comparison of astrological charts is a powerful tool when it comes to knowing the elements that will make a relationship work.
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Libra with Cancer